Lauren found her way into holistic body-led care through the avenue of her first love—Birth. This led her to traveling as a registered nurse—working in 7 different hospitals throughout the country— specializing in Labor & Delivery & postpartum care. After some time in the allopathic medicine system she slowly began to realize that her values no longer fit the current model—specifically when it came to childbirth and “healthcare” ideals. This led her to diving deep into self study, personal development, traveling, feelings work and holistic—body led healing. Empowering women, especially as it relates to childbirth, cyclical living, and sexuality is what ignites her fire.
Lauren is an Ecstatic Birth practitioner, with a deep passion for the sacredness of sexuality, childbirth, and women's work. She holds wisdom in various healing modalities such as Maya abdominal & womb massage (as taught by a local Guatemalan Midwife), Feelings work (through Possibility Management), trauma healing, sacred plant medicine ceremony facilitation, and embodiment practices. Lauren has over 15 years of training in classical ballet, and alternative dance. She is a certified Kaula Tantra yoga teacher, and is an avid Kundalini yoga practitioner. Lauren is also deeply passionate about the use of psychedelics as a tool for healing trauma, connecting deeper to the body, and for exploring our purest essence. She also holds degrees in fine arts and psychology.
Exploring this earth has been one of Lauren’s greatest teachers. From living all throughout the United States, to immersing herself within over 20 countries; Lauren uses her many years of traveling the world, visiting sacred sites, learning from the land, from elders, and cultural immersion as inspirational medicine for creating new paradigms and shifting perspectives. Lauren has been a loved guest on well known Podcasts, and a speaker at conferences such as National Psychedelic Conference, & National Cannabis Festival in Washington DC.