”I desire to serve in a world where women act from their COURAGEOUS heart, speak with their courageous voice—move from a fully embodied center— all while leading with their pleasure and living in harmony with the natural rhythms of life."— Lauren

Breathe, you have arrived.

I am so ecstatic that you’ve found your way here.

It is my deepest pleasure and honor to serve light beings like you. If you’re in search of guidance, or permission to fully step into your most expansive, blooming expression—awaken the powerful birthing Queen you’ve always known you could be—OR are simply just looking for a deeper connection within yourself, your relationships, nature, and the Universe at large—you’re right where you’re meant to be.

Ways to Work with Lauren

1:1 Mentorship

With 1:1 mentorship, you have full access to Lauren and her wisdom, to assist you to tune in deeper so you can fully embody your highest version.

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